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Crane Park Primary School is located in Hanworth, Middlesex. The school has 501 pupils and is a central part of the local community.

PGSD Limited was asked to level an area for a new mud kitchen, remove an old path and an old bricked mud kitchen. The project included the supply and installation of a 1.2 metre high rounded top palisade fence on two sides of the new mud kitchen. A gate, as well as a 200 mm high sleeper bed, was installed along the wall. 100 mm high kick boards were installed around the bottom of the fence to retain wood chippings.

Materials included soil, a sand sub base and turf. Plant equipment included 360 degree excavator. Wood chippings were supplied free of charge by PGSD.

PGSD supplied and installed artificial grass to a large Early Year play area. This included shock pads under a large physical play area. We removed top soil, leveled & cleared the area and supplied & laid 50mm MOT main base. PGSD also relaid 10mm sharp sand sub base, fitted Geotex membrane matting and laid, trimmed and fixed the artificial turf. All arisings were disposed of from the site.

The project included a Year 3 corridor window area and an area in front of school. PGSD removed shrubs within the corridor area. We supplied & installed a 200 mm high sleeper bed along the wall/ edge of path, and tidied and seeded around the edges.

PGSD is a member of BALI which is the landscape industry’s trade association. All BALI members are monitored and their work standards are inspected on a regular basis.


Author admin

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